How about Patty Tavatanakit's nicknam?
Patty Tavatanakit Nicknam: Patty, Meow ()
How old is Patty Tavatanakit? When is Patty Tavatanakit's birthday? Where is Patty Tavatanakit born? Where did Patty Tavatanakit grow up from? What's Patty Tavatanakit's age?
Patty Tavatanakit Born: 1999 (age 23years), Bangkok, Thailand
How about Patty Tavatanakit's current_tour?
Patty Tavatanakit Current_tour: LPGA Tour (joined 2020)
How about Patty Tavatanakit's education?
Patty Tavatanakit Education: Keerapat International School, University of California, Los Angeles
How about Patty Tavatanakit's profession_win?
Patty Tavatanakit Profession_win: 4
How about Patty Tavatanakit's nationality?
Patty Tavatanakit Nationality: Thai
How tall is Patty Tavatanakit in meters or centimeters?
Patty Tavatanakit Height: 5 5
How far does Patty Tavatanakit hit her driver?
Average driving distanceKo averaged a career-high 259.2 yards (237m) with driver in hand this year, almost 15 yards further than in 2019, almost 10 yards further than in 2015, when she won six tournaments, and slightly longer than Jin Young Ko (258.40), the Rolex player of the year.
How tall is Tavatanakit?
Average driving distanceKo averaged a career-high 259.2 yards (237m) with driver in hand this year, almost 15 yards further than in 2019, almost 10 yards further than in 2015, when she won six tournaments, and slightly longer than Jin Young Ko (258.40), the Rolex player of the year.
What clubs does Patty Tavatanakit use?
Average driving distanceKo averaged a career-high 259.2 yards (237m) with driver in hand this year, almost 15 yards further than in 2019, almost 10 yards further than in 2015, when she won six tournaments, and slightly longer than Jin Young Ko (258.40), the Rolex player of the year.
How far does Lydia Ko drive the ball?
Average driving distanceKo averaged a career-high 259.2 yards (237m) with driver in hand this year, almost 15 yards further than in 2019, almost 10 yards further than in 2015, when she won six tournaments, and slightly longer than Jin Young Ko (258.40), the Rolex player of the year.